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Math Word Problem Solver using NLP

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Pallavi N1, Darshana A. Naik2,Pallavi T P 3 ,Maddali Kaushik4, Aaryan Manakame5, Ashwin Reddy6, Goutham Suresh7
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.10.852


In recent times, there has been notable focus on math word problem solvers, primarily because of their capacity to aid learners in tackling intricate mathematical problems. Nonetheless, a requirement exists for math word problem solvers capable of addressing queries in various languages through the application of natural language processing (NLP) methods. This study intro-duces a math word problem solver designed to handle inquiries in diverse languages using NLP. The approach outlined in this research employs a machine learning strategy to convert the problem into a target language, followed by its resolution. Through the integration of both rule-based and deep learning techniques, the system strives to attain a commendable level of accuracy in both translation and problem-solving endeavors.

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