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Morphological classification and grading of anemia by using Dielectrophoretic technique

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M. Moorthi , S Ramya , R. Soniyaa , N.A.Nisha , K. Sangeetha , Dr.M.Rajajeyakumar
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si8.202


Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or the concentration of hemoglobin in blood is lower than normal concerning age and gender. According to WHO, 40% of pregnant women and 42% of children are anemic. Anemia is a common blood condition affecting nearly 30% of the global population. India is one of the nations with the highest prevalence of iron deficiency in women. Based on its morphology anemia is classified into three types, Macrocytic, Normocytic, and Microcytic Anemia based on its morphology. Different types of anemia require distinct supplements, indicating the importance of diagnosing the type of anemia. A complete blood count (CBC) performed using a hemolytic analyzer is the most common diagnostic method used in identifying the type of anemia. This standard method requires a laboratory setup with trained technicians. As an alternative method to the existing system, the article focuses on designing a microfluidic channel to screen anemia in an outpatient setup. The previous research article has reported the separation of tumor cells from the whole blood, but only very few attempts were made for the separation of RBC based on size. The implication of the study is to differentiate the separation of microcytic and macrocytic cells with the principle of dielectrophoresis.

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